Stop Sharing News Memes in 2016

The etiquette of sharing news without looking like a misinformed douchebag. A great way to start your new year right. If you find yourself suffering from FIRST syndrome, perhaps you may benefit from reading...

Spent Movie Reviews: Joy

A great film for the holidays that aces the Bechdel test The stars from Silver Linings Playbook are back together in this modern day Cinderella, rags to riches tale. Unlike Cinderella, Joy (Jennifer...

How long will Trudeaumania last?

With 2015 coming to an end, will Justin have a catch phrase to lead Canada in 2016? There is no place on social media for Canadians to escape the throng of articles and pictures of Canada's recently elected...

Spent Movie Reviews: Creed

A hard hitting blockbuster that will have you at the edge of your seat. In case you have forgotten, a quick review of Rocky Balboa's life. The story of Rocky is an iconic saga featuring Italian slugger Rocky...